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Việt Nam, EU eye to further deepen bilateral relations

Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Minh Vũ described the EU as one of the most successful international organisations since the Schuman Declaration on May 9, 1950, which set out the foundation of the union.

Head of the EU Delegation to Việt Nam Ambassador Julien Guerrier. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI - The European Union (EU) Delegation to Việt Nam hosted a ceremony in Hà Nội on May 9 to celebrate the Europe Day (May 9, 1950 - 2024).

Addressing the event, Permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyễn Minh Vũ described the EU as one of the most successful international organisations since the Schuman Declaration on May 9, 1950, which set out the foundation of the union.

He said since the establishment of their official relations, Việt Nam and the EU have faced numerous challenges amid regional and global uncertainties. However, this relationship is still growing intensively and bearing fruit.

Calling the relationship a model of cooperation for peace, the official expressed his hope that it will expand and deepen in the time ahead.

As a developing country in Southeast Asia and one of Europe's close partners, Việt Nam is aware of the value of cooperation with the EU in many areas, he stressed.

The union is currently the largest development partner, the fifth-biggest trading partner, and the sixth-largest foreign investor of Vietnam. Meanwhile, the Southeast Asian nation is the EU's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the 14th largest globally.

The Vietnamese official suggested EU countries soon ratify the EU – Việt Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and effectively implement the EU – Việt Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), considering these breakthroughs in the trade and investment cooperation.

He took the occasion to call on the EU to provide development assistance for Việt Nam for the 2024 - 2027 period and soon lift the "yellow card" imposed by the European Commission (EC) on Việt Nam's seafood exports, and continue to cooperate with and support the country in implementing the Resource Mobilisation Plan (RMP) within the framework of the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Regarding the ASEAN – EU relations, Vũ said Việt Nam supports and will actively promote the ASEAN-EU Strategic Partnership, noting the country believes that the EU will make more practical contributions to the grouping.

Head of the EU Delegation to Việt Nam Ambassador Julien Guerrier highly valued the Việt Nam – EU cooperative relations, emphasising that over the past 35 years, the EU has stood shoulder to shoulder with the country.

The EU hopes to support Việt Nam to achieve its national development goals by 2045 and its net-zero commitment, he added.

The diplomat also congratulated Việt Nam on its developmental milestones. VNS

Source:https://vietnamnews.vn/politics-laws/1655328/viet-nam-eu-eye-to-further-deepen-bilateral-relations.html Copy link
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