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President Tô Lâm receives ambassadors, chargés d’affaires of EU

President Tô Lâm affirmed that the EU and its member countries are important partners of Việt Nam, whose relations with them have been developing dynamically as seen in increased mutual visits and high-level meetings as well as the fruitful implementation of agreements, cooperation and dialogue mechanisms.

President Tô Lâm received the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) and the ambassadors and chargés d’affaires of EU member countries yesterday in Hà Nội. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI – President Tô Lâm received the Ambassador of the European Union (EU) and the ambassadors and chargés d’affaires of EU member countries who came to pay a courtesy call on the new State leader of Việt Nam in Hà Nội on Friday.

Thanking the diplomats for their congratulations, President Lâm affirmed that the EU and its member countries are important partners of Việt Nam, whose relations with them have been developing dynamically as seen in increased mutual visits and high-level meetings as well as the fruitful implementation of agreements, cooperation and dialogue mechanisms.

Besides, he noted, relations between Việt Nam and EU countries are growing well on the basis of their good friendship and the strengths and demand of each country. Việt Nam has established strategic partnerships with four EU members, comprehensive partnerships with three, and sectoral strategic partnerships with three of them.

To develop Việt Nam’s ties with the EU and member countries more strongly and effectively, he asked the diplomats to continue promoting delegation exchanges at all levels, especially high levels, to enhance political trust and create momentum for cooperation in all aspects.

The President called for tapping into available mechanisms to properly carry out the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Partnership and Cooperation between Việt Nam and the EU, the bilateral Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and Việt Nam’s documents on cooperation with EU countries to tackle bottlenecks, work out measures for strengthening ties, and boosting response to global challenges, with priority given to fruitfully implementing the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).

He suggested the ambassadors raise voice to promote the remaining EU countries’ ratification of the EU - Việt Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA); the European Commission’s removal of the “yellow card” warning over illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, with consideration of the development gap between the two sides and Vietnamese fishermen’s livelihood; and support for Việt Nam to develop sea-based economy and sustainable aquaculture.

Welcoming the EU’s strategies and initiatives on cooperation with the Indo-Pacific region that feature a balanced approach and many cooperation priorities matching Việt Nam’s sustainable development goals, the host leader stated that Việt Nam is ready to serve as a bridge for connecting the EU with the region and fostering cooperation through the ASEAN - EU strategic partnership, as well as between ASEAN and EU members.

He underlined Việt Nam’s consistent foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of relations, and being a responsible member of the international community.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the two sides affirmed the continued strong support for the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with international law and the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), helping guarantee security, safety, and freedom of navigation and consolidate peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.

President Lâm expressed his hope that the ambassadors and chargés d’affaires will contribute more to Vietnam’s friendship and comprehensive cooperation with the EU and member countries, thus helping to lift Việt Nam - EU cooperation to a new height.

On behalf of the diplomats, EU Ambassador Julien Guerrier said Việt Nam is one of the important partners of the bloc in the Asia-Pacific, including Southeast Asia.

The EU hopes to foster trade and investment ties with Việt Nam and considers the cooperation with the latter as a model for its collaboration with other developing countries in the world, he went on, adding that the EU wishes to assist the Southeast Asian nation to achieve the national development targets for 2045 and net zero emissions by 2050.

He held that there remains huge cooperation potential in such fields as green, digital and circular economy, agriculture, pharmaceutical, justice, labour, defence - security, and climate change response with priority for the JETP implementation.

The EU is strongly implementing regional cooperation strategies and initiatives, especially the Global Gateway initiative, Guerrier noted, revealing that it plans to carry out some cooperation projects with ASEAN and in Việt Nam within this initiative’s framework.

The ambassador voiced his belief that under President Lâm’s leadership, the friendship and cooperation between Việt Nam and EU countries will develop even more strongly and extensively to significantly contribute to regional and global peace, security, and stability. VNS

Source:https://vietnamnews.vn/politics-laws/1657113/president-to-lam-receives-ambassadors-charges-d-affaires-of-eu.html Copy link
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