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Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng works with Lạng Sơn Province

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng on Friday asked Lạng Sơn northern mountainous province to create new and stronger changes in socio-economic development while working with the province’s leaders.

Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng (first left) meets leaders of Lạng Sơn Province. — VNA/VNS Photo Trí Dũng

LẠNG SƠN — Party General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng on Friday asked Lạng Sơn Province to create new and stronger changes in socio-economic development while working with the province’s leaders.

Congratulating and praising the efforts and achievements that the provincial Party and people have made, especially in recent years, he confirmed that the province had a lot of potential and favourable conditions for economic development.

The Party General Secretary said that the province needed to clearly define and promote the border gate economy, not only for the province, but more importantly, for the whole country’s development.

Emphasising that Lạng Sơn had a diverse and rich culture, General Secretary Trọng required the province to combine economic growth and cultural and social growth.

All those strengths and potentials need to be exploited and promoted, with the spirit of taking the people as the centre, thereby constantly improving the people’s material and spiritual life.

He noted that the province should pay attention to innovation and improve the quality of education and training, healthcare and leadership in vocational training and job creation, especially in rural and mountainous areas and areas where new investment projects have been implemented.

The province needs to conduct policies for people with meritorious services to the nation and ethnic groups, and policies of sustainable poverty reduction so that the people’s lives are increasingly ameliorated and enhanced.

Party General Secretary Trọng pointed out that it was necessary to prioritise human resources development based on the major orientations set out by the 17th provincial Party Congress.

The province should have a plan for training and fostering officials methodically, both for the immediate and long-term; proactively strengthen coordination with neighbouring provinces and ministries for the highest and most effective use of all resources.

It must attach importance to regional linkage to create driving forces for development; expand rapidly and sustainably and build Lạng Sơn to soon become a province with modern services, agriculture and industry.

He stated that the province must pay special attention to building and firmly consolidating the all-people national defence in association with the people's security.

It should closely combine socio-economic development with consolidating national defence and security, maintain sovereignty over national borders, build borders of peace, stable friendship and cooperation.

The province must proactively and effectively implement foreign affairs and international integration, creating a favourable environment for strength of the province, the mountainous region and the whole country.

He requested the province to take full care and do better in the Party and political system construction, especially promoting the people’s great unity, creating high consensus among the people.

It should constantly renew the leadership method of Party committees at all levels, building a truly strong Party and political system.

Party General Secretary Trọng wished that with the glorious tradition of history, culture and revolution, together with the will for self-reliance, strong desire to grow and creative spirit, the Party and people of Lạng Sơn Province would unite, work together, determine to further promote the renovation work, strive to comprehensively fulfill the targets and tasks set out in the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the 17th provincial Party Congress.

All will work together to build Lạng Sơn Province to be more and more developed and beautiful, the people will have a warm, joyful and happy life. — VNS


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